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random access memories

美 [ˈrændəm ˈækses ˈmɛməriz]英 [ˈrændəm ˈækses ˈmɛməriz]
  • 网络随机存取存储器
random access memoriesrandom access memories
  1. The Single Event Effect ( SEE ) simulation experiment was carried out on proton accelerators for Static Random Access Memories ( SRAMs ) .


  2. Experimental study on proton single event effects in static random access memories


  3. High dielectric constant thin films have been used in high-density dynamic random access memories widely .


  4. Ferroelectric thin films and electrodes for random access memories


  5. Diagnostic testing of MOS random access memories


  6. With the rapid semiconductor technology development , the density of the Random access memories ( RAM ) has been higher and higher .


  7. Ferroelectric materials are extremely important information functional materials with promising applications in many fields , such as ferroelectric random access memories .


  8. In the large family of semiconductor memories , Static random access memories ( SRAMs ) are an indispensable part because of their broad applications .


  9. Because CMR effects are great valuable in industrial demand , e. g. the magnetic memory , magnetic random access memories , magnetic sensors and magnetic refrigeration ;


  10. High-dielectric-constant oxides are very desirable for the application in microelectronics , especially for the application in dynamic random access memories ( DRAM ) devices .


  11. Spin valve with a low saturation field and high sensitivity has become the research hotspot due to its valuable application in magnetic record reading heads , magnetic random access memories .


  12. The song is from the duo 's 2013 " Random Access Memories " album , which in many ways was a culmination of their career .


  13. Expermental methods were emphatically described for measuring the proton Single Event Upset ( SEU ) cross section in Static Random Access Memories ( SRAMs ) .


  14. Ferroelectric fatigue is much fatal for the electric apparatus based on the switchable polarization , such as non-volatile random access memories ( NVFRAM ) .


  15. Recently , the ferroelectric property of the ferroelectric thin films and their applications in memory devices , especially in ferroelectric non-volatile random access memories ( FRAM ), have been widely studied .


  16. The heterostructures based on half-metals and semiconductors is very promising in spin-injection , p-n heterostructures , and magnetoresistive random access memories .


  17. With the trend of size reduction of many microelectronic devices , high-dielectric-constant oxides have become increasingly important in microelectronics , especially in the application of dynamic random access memories ( DRAM ) devices .


  18. To overcome the limitations of conventional semiconductor devices , which are based on charge storage , various new nonvolatile-memory ( NVM ) devices such as phase-change , polymer , magnetic , and resistance random access memories ( ReRAM ) have been investigated .


  19. Ferroelectric Random Access Memories ( FeRAM ) is a new kind of non-volatile memories which possesses excellent properties of low operating voltage , low power consumption , long-time retention , quick writing-operation and outstanding anti-radiation characteristics , and is very suitable for embedded application .


  20. In recent years , the family of bismuth layer-structured ferroelectrics ( BLSFs ) has attracted much attention for their potential use in high temperature piezoelectric devices and ferroelectric random access memories ( FeRAMs ), because of their relatively high Curie point and excellent fatigue endurance property , respectively .
